Stacey Patton, a reporter, professor and author, wrote a Washington Post column today entitled “Why is America celebrating the beating of a black child?” This is in reference to Toya Graham, the mother in Baltimore who grabbed her son, by the collar, out of a riot and proceeded to yell …..
Earlier this month I wrote a column about Michael Gerson , prefacing it upon the work of David Brooks. Shortly thereafter the new Brooks book, The Road to Character” was published. Now, Gerson writes about Brooks , the person and his message. It’s worth the read.
Autism. Another reason why journalism matters. Exceptional reporting by Kate Snow, initiated by producer Marjorie McAfee.
And so Marco Rubio announced Hillary and Jeb were “yesterday”, as he announced his run for the White House. Now, we wonder what makes Marco today, much less the future. Is it his 1970s …..
George Will is a conservative and brilliant thinker. If you’re a liberal wanting to debate his arguments, you better bring your “A” game. One of his favorite targets is the political correctness present at many universities. This political correctness flies …..
Thus proving it is not easy being a banker , though no one seems to be shedding any tears for them.
Owning a home was part of the American Dream. In the ’30s, my immigrant grandparents from Poland bought a duplex in a Polish neighborhood in Evanston, just outside Chicago. To the east of them, and a world away, were the …..
David Brooks of the New York Times has been a must-read for me, even in earlier days when he ever so infrequently penned an inane column. Over the last year, Brooks has elevated and expanded what was already his great …..