I wonder what giving it that old college try means today? Does it mean you’re University of Lousiville’s Rick Pitino presiding over a sordid athletic program in which players were provided cash from athletic shoe and clothing companies and prostitutes …..
And from the state that brought us that lovable loser, Jeff Sessions, it now brings us Roy Moore , evolution-denier. But word has it on the street he may still feel the Earth is round. That’s right, Alabama proves again that maybe there really never was a New South. Moore just won the GOP primary …..
It seems that the middle class might be making a bit of a comeback . And that would be very good news. It always seems like both extremes of the income picture receive the most coverage in the media. Most people are simply trying to get by, pay the bills, …..
Today’s column by Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post might just be one of the most brilliant pieces ever written about the surreal politics of today. In short, Parker makes a strong case that the bankruptcy expert is the best President the Democrats have ever …..