Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell continues to bolster his sorry legacy as majority leader, a legacy that has crushed American principles and has all but assured the demise of our country. Besides his dog whistling to racists during the Obama era …..

This week I’ve binge watched Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana and suddenly a very viable candidate for the White House.  Mayor Pete, as he is affectionately known by his supporters, is a remarkable individual. When he first entered …..

For mere mortals – aka the multitudes who trudge to work, trying to make a buck to pay the rent or mortgage, maybe save some money for the future – debt has real consequences. If you have too much of …..


It’s been a dispiriting week. Two seemingly unrelated issues have exposed even further the erosion of not just American principles but the very belief that they …..

Maximum Security was undefeated going into the Kentucky Derby Saturday. As far as he’s concerned , he still is. And don’t think horses don’t know when they beat other horses. But, somehow, the stewards, the cops who officiate horse racing, …..